Sunday 10 July 2016

Columbus, OH

I hate sushi.

I haven't eaten fish since I was about 10, I never cook rice and soy sauce is straight from the devil.

Most the people in my life really enjoy sushi or fish, and Caleb especially loves it. He eats fish in all ways, shapes and forms and believes that the rawer it is, the better. He has to sacrifice eating it a lot because of me, so if I can find a way to eat it with him, I try to; usually without much success...until now!


I first tried Fusian three years ago when my friend Casey was visiting; I was trying to be healthy and I forced it down and that was that. I didn't touch it again and didn't even think about it at all, until they opened up another one at Easton and I decided enough was enough and I should try it again. The main reason I can stomach Fusian is it's build your own Sushi - what a saviour!