Tuesday 8 January 2019

Recipe - Jamaica Ginger Cake

I'm such a contradiction sometimes. For example, I rarely like things with ginger in them; it's just not a spice I appreciate. I'm not a huge lover of a lot of Chinese or Japanese cuisine and I definitely don't like it in my smoothies or juices, but put just a touch of it in something sweet and I love it. Ginger snap cookies? Heyoooo. Growing up I absolutely loved McVitie's Jamaica Ginger Sticky Cake. It was the best of the best. And every so often I get sad that I can't eat it anymore.  So, every so often I decide I'm going to make myself one. This time it could have been a bit more sticky, but it was still bouncy as anything and the texture was... textbook. Feel free to add more golden syrup to the recipe. I usually just keep adding in more until I think I should probably stop. I can never have enough golden syrup. Can you?

Friday 4 January 2019

London, UK

Carrying on from my previous post... after visiting Finland we then went on to Christmas with my family in the UK! I wanted to combine the posts, but it might have been a bit of a mammoth read to have it all in one, so here is what I got up to (food wise) in London on my latest trip. I've been to a couple of these places before, but this time I was trying something new from them and some of these places were completely new to me altogether - so let's see what England had in store for me this time.

Ps. I miss how advanced the UK is in GF food and can only hope in 2019 that America takes some serious strides!

Pps. We watched Tottenham at Wembley on Boxing Day and they won 5-0! I celebrated with cider!

Thursday 3 January 2019

Helsinki & Ivalo, Finland

Happy New Year everyone! How was everyone's festive period? Mine was ridiculously packed and having just got home a couple of days ago, I'm only just starting to feel slightly back to normal. I. Am. Tired! In 2019 I am beginning 3 business ventures, which will be a big test, but I'm excited to get started! Have you made any big changes for 2019? I will keep everyone updated with them once things start moving, but right now, I'm going to look back on the end of 2018; an amazing year and one that ended not only with lots of tasty gluten free food in Finland, but also some back in London again - which I'll cover on my next post! So, first up was a country I had never been to before - Finland! We had a quick pit-stop and I couldn't recommend it more!