Thursday 30 June 2016

England, UK

First, I've got to apologise for the lack of a posts. Lots of traveling, seeing family, cancelled weddings (due to appendicitis!) and getting back into work hasn't left a lot of time to write up my recent trip to the sacred (currently falling apart) homeland.

So now that's out the way, I'll let you know that the majority of this post is going to be focused on one giant supermarket's GF selection. Every time I go back to the UK I'll review a different chain, but for this trip, it's Tesco. Before I rate their items though, I have to give a special mention to one of the loves of my life, Pizza Express.

Wednesday 8 June 2016


What do you think of when you think of food in NYC? Maybe a big steak, maybe whatever the latest trend is, but I'm betting it's usually pizza; a NY slice. Well, same. I haven't had a NY slice in years and it kills me. I have always been a "the skinnier the pizza the better" so for me NY pizza is leagues above deep dish. It's actually been the subject of many debates with Caleb's family because they just love their Chicago Giordano's and well, I just don't think I ever could. To me, pizza isn't about the base, it's about the toppings, so if the base can be as thin and light as possible then I'm onto a winner.

On Monday Caleb was going to be in NY for his latest album's release show party (buy the album here) so I went & joined in on the fun. Literally flying into NY for 24hrs, I decided I had to find a couple of spots for not only myself, but for this blog. I've eaten at a couple of GF bakeries before in the city which I didn't go crazy over (and were before this blog) so I decided to scope out some new places.


I imagined myself lazily walking around the city in the sun finding my stops and taking my time ordering. Well, in fact, I somehow ended up on Caleb's press tour for the day, so this really affected my timing. Luckily one of his radio stops was right by the Flat Iron building (one of the only iconic NY buildings I haven't seen, that was on my list) which also, as it happens, was right by Mozarelli's!

Thursday 2 June 2016

Online, WWW

Firstly, as someone who isn't GF out of choice, this isn't going to be a blog about being crazy healthy. I am not a "bad eater", but I definitely believe in balance and so this won't be about finding healthy alternatives to bad food. I love cake, fries and pizza just as much as I love salad, avocados and fruit, so don't expect this blog to be a certain way. It won't be. My search for GF food and eateries covers junk food just as much as health food, so please don't expect a bunch of posts about Kale; it's not going to happen.

Now, after saying that, a lot of people talk about the benefits of doing a "juice cleanse". A lot of the time people haven't got a clue what they're talking about. And a lot of the time people just like to be doing what everyone else is doing, but juice is one of those things that people are actually right about.

I personally discovered how much juice cleanses benefit my insides, when I randomly decided one day that I needed a boost. I hadn't done a juice cleanse before and I was adamant that I was going to do a 3-day cleanse and dive straight in and everything would be magical. In short, I was one of those people and I quickly discovered that 3-day cleanses... are very hard. By the end of it I felt famished and I just wanted to chew a piece of food; but I also discovered that for someone whose intestines don't always want to cooperate, it was a great way to give them a reset. I haven't done a 3-day cleanse since, but I actually do, do (ha) day cleanses very often. My body can hold onto a crazy amount of food (sorry to be graphic), and I can feel sluggish and bloated and gross all the time, and so, every so often it actually feels nice to not be eating anything and to give my body a bunch of nutrients and even more fruit, veggies and supplements. There are two companies I use nowadays, one local and one that I get great deals with online using Groupon. This is about the latter. (I will of course be giving the run-down of the local juice company I use at a later date, because woo local.)